Contact Us

Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Phone: 515-251-8640

Address: 1255 SW Prairie Trail Pkwy Ankeny, Iowa 50023

Has your contact information changed? Validate all your information in one place!

If your email, phone number or mailing address has changed, you can submit those changes through our membership form. We will mark your information as validated and we won't ask you to validate it until the next year. We periodically ask members to validate their information to ensure you are receiving all your member benefits. 

Validate Now

If you need to update a family member's information because they retired or passed away, please fill out the form below and select Producer Services/Membership for the department.

Looking to Acquire US Soybeans?

If you're looking to acquire soybeans from the United States, please visit either the U.S. Soybean Export Council or the Soybean Meal Info Center.

Employment Questions?

For questions regarding employment, contact Ryan McCarty, Director of Administration and Human Resources at

Email Us

Please fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as we are able. If you know the person you are trying to reach, please visit our staff page to contact them directly.