Information & Education - Consumer Focus
We are driven to engage directly with consumers to enhance their trust in modern agriculture. While you're busy growing a healthy and sustainable crop, we're delivering innovative programs and engaging content to Iowans to foster trust and understanding of Iowa agriculture. You can read more about our Ag Awareness efforts below or in the ISA newsroom.
Iowa Food & Family Project
Established in 2011, the Iowa Food & Family Project (Iowa FFP) is headquartered out of the ISA office. Funded by the soybean, pork, beef, egg, corn, turkey and dairy checkoffs, as well as non-checkoff resources, Iowa FFP builds trust in modern agriculture with an opt-in audience of more than 130,000 food and health-minded Iowans. Iowa FFP...
Grows agricultural awareness through the quarterly Fresh Pickings magazine, monthly Fresh Pickings eNewsletter and daily social media sharing.
Connects farmers and consumers during community events, farm tours, speaker series and influencer panels.
Collaborates and leverages resources among a network of 35 food, farm and healthy living organizations.
Visit for more information and resources or visit our member programs page to get involved.
CommonGround Iowa
CommonGround is based on the idea that we need to make food and farming more personal. As consumers get further away from the farm, the more questions they have.
Their trust in farming increases when they understand that real families are raising their food and that they share common values and expectations.
Visit the
National CommonGround page for more information and resources or visit our
CommonGround Iowa page to get involved.
Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation
The Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation mission is to educate Iowans with a focus on youth regarding the breadth and global significance of agriculture. The Iowa Soybean Association is proud to partner with this organization to help bring more agriculture to the classroom. View their online lesson plans at
Additional Educational Resources
Looking for more resources for your classroom or for your family?