The interactive tools below will allow you to find results from the research conducted at the Iowa Soybean Association. All the research is unbiased and will show you results whether it sells a system or not.
Boost Your Bottom Line With Cover Crops
The Cover Crop Economic Simulator shows how offset options can make cover crops cost effective or profitable in your operation.
Discover How Your Soil Health Compares
The Soil Health Interpretation Portal gives you a background against which to compare your soil health. Explore the impact of different management practices known to impact results on soils like yours.
Dive Into Individual On-Farm Trials
The On-Farm Strip Trial Reports contain individual strip-trial results conducted by Iowa farmers.
Find Practices That Work Financially
The Economic Viewer of On-Farm Studies compares practices, products and technologies so that you can see which ones will financially work on your operation.
View Summaries of All On-Farm Trials
The Interactive Summaries of On-Farm Strip Trials summarizes the results of individual trials so you can see all results in one spot.
Find Out What Seeding Rate Is Best
The Soybean Variable Rate Seeding Simulator allows you to simulate expected outcomes on your operation from changing seeding rates.
See If Higher Protein Soybeans Are More Profitable
The Soybean Quality Economic Simulator allows you to see potential economic return from protein premium payments based on soybean quality.
Estimate Yield From Crop Canopy
The Vegetation Index Time Series Interactive Tool uses years of calibrated imagery to explore which crop canopy reflectance values has the highest predictive capabilities of yield.
Determine Tile Drainage Rates
This tool calculates three standard drainage rates for characterizing the performance of subsurface (tile) drainage systems.
Find Stoplog Settings for Drainage Structures
Find the stoplog settings for inline water level control structures used for edge-of-field conservation drainage practices, such as bioreactors, saturated buffers, and controlled drainage.