September 2022
September 27, 2022
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In this issue...
On the Cover
Soybean farmers Brent Swart, Reed Burres and Suzanne Shirbroun gather in a central Iowa soybean field to talk about the state of farming and the soybean industry.
Executive Insights: Making the Checkoff Pay Off
Ensuring a return on investment is fundamental to farming and the farmer leaders who oversee the checkoff.
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5 tips to prepare for the busy season
Just like every farm is unique, so is a farmer’s pre-harvest preparations. Morey Hill, who farms near Madrid and serves as ISA District 5 director, explains what he thinks about before harvest.
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3 Iowa farmers plot out soybean farming's future
A recent conversation between three ISA farmer-members suggests acting on new opportunities, fostering successful communication with the public and serving as an advocate of agriculture are paramount.
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7 farmers elected to Iowa Soybean Association Board of Directors
Iowa soybean farmers have elected seven directors to the Iowa Soybean Association (ISA) board of directors. These directors join 15 others fulfilling their terms on the ISA board.
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Fall soil testing helps track SCN levels
Don’t overlook testing for Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN) levels when planning for fall soil testing.
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Mishek makes lasting impact on the success of U.S. soy
Soybean production necessitates demand and vice-versa. Few have relished making the case (and sale) for U.S. soy more than Peter Mishek.
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Latham Hi-Tech Seeds celebrates 75 years as a regional seed company
Located near Alexander in north central Iowa, Latham Hi-Tech Seeds is celebrating 75 years of operations.
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Think Tank brings together all facets of soybean industry
Participants, including researchers, farmers, and industry partners, thought about how the research community could drive the industry forward and help soybean growers face these challenges.
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Rural Route 2: A new season
Do “first-harvest farmers” feel a similar anxiousness and excitement of parents sending their children to kindergarten for the first day?
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