A farmer scouts a soybean field for weed and pest press

The Iowa Soybean Association has a wealth of information to help you plan your 2021 crop. From analytic tools to trial information we are here to help. (Photo: Joseph L. Murphy/Iowa Soybean Association)

Your guide to 2021

November 19, 2020 | Bethany Baratta

Spring planting will be here again before we know it. Here are a few ways that your ISA Research Center for Farming Innovation can help as you prepare for 2021:

Seed selection

New traits come to the market, but not all have the disease resistance and tolerance that some older traits have. Don’t chase the shiny new trait; think about the entire trait package when making your seed selections.

Plan a trial

Seed companies and others may approach you to set up a trial on your farm, but will the outcome of the trial answer the questions you have about your own acres? Consider participating in a trial through ISA. Put our tools and services to work in your fields by participating in on-farm research trials. Look for 2020 on-farm research results coming soon!

Nutrient needs

While we can’t predict next season’s weather, there are some things you can control, like the nutrients available for crop uptake going into the next season. We can help you evaluate what your crops might need in 2021.

Let’s talk tillage

A recent study evaluated the economic benefits associated with transitioning to a reduced or no-till system. Talk to one of our conservation agronomists to see if a reduced or no-till system could benefit your farm.


Your ISA membership provides access to ISA’s robust database which includes research trials and water monitoring results from farmers across the state.  Dig into the results here.

Plan for success

Using your own yield data and cropping information, utilize our online tools to help plan for success in 2021.

Have a crop question about something not on this list? Peruse our website or contact us.
