August 2023
August 1, 2023
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In this issue...
On the Cover
Summer soybeans growing near Dyersville. This month, which is Soybean Month in Iowa, we recognize the 42,000 Iowa soybean farmers who grow soy in the state. Iowa farmers grew nearly 587 million bushels of soybeans in 2022.
The Power of Time
Taking time to build relationships and establish connections helps Iowa soybean farmers expand international soy markets in Chile and China.
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Rural Route 2: Diving In
Just like kids jumping into a pool, Iowa soybean farmers are making splash within the agriculture industry with their perseverance and commitment.
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Driving research to reality
The ISA Research Center for Farming Innovation (RCFI) shares results of research conducted on the impact cover crops have on yield and nutrient loss.
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The next 10 years - and beyond
The Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy has seen immense progress over the past decade, but producer implementation and industry partnerships are needed to maintain momentum.
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Improving technology to meet goals
To meet NRS goals, ISA has conducted research on saturated buffers, bioreactors, oxbows and more to find the practice that fits each farmer's needs.
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Iowa Soybean Research Center celebrates Soybean Month
August is Soybean Month in Iowa. To celebrate, ISRC at Iowa State University is hosting soy-focused events and activities for students and farmers.
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Collaborations extend soy's reach
The United Soybean Board (USB) is creating innovative soy products through partnerships in an effort to increase soybean demand and expand markets.
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